Sustainable tourism is part of a transition that many countries are currently undergoing. The concept is to continue to offer travellers the classic tourist experience, but to apply systems and policies that reduce our impact on the ecosystem.
Tenerife receives millions of tourists every year. As we all know, the impact of millions of people without proper planning or resource management has a long term negative effect.
It is recommended that you contact the right sustainable tourism agencies in Tenerife in order to plan your trip in a more responsible way. Here are some of our recommendations to enjoy and support a more sustainable tourism.
- Respect nature and the environment: When visiting natural places, make sure you do not damage the environment and do not leave litter behind. Respect the local flora and fauna and do not interfere with the ecosystems. And very importantly, do not take stones or other souvenir materials with you, as this can have a negative impact on the environment and biodiversity. In some cases, taking rocks or minerals can damage the natural balance of the ecosystem, especially if they are important for the survival of plants or animals.

2. Support the local economy: Shop in local shops and markets to support the economy of the community you are visiting. Also, try to choose sustainable, locally produced and fair trade products and services.

3. Save energy and water: Take care of the natural resources of the place and use energy and water responsibly. Try not to leave the lights on or the air conditioning on in your room when you are not there. Also, opt for short showers rather than long baths and remember to turn off taps properly.
4. Use sustainable transport: If possible, use public transport, walk or rent a bicycle instead of using private cars or taxis. If you need to rent a car, choose one that is fuel efficient and reduce the use of air conditioning.
5. Respect local customs and culture: Research and learn about the culture and customs of the community you are visiting so as not to offend them.

Remember that by travelling in an eco-responsible way, you are helping to preserve the places you visit for future generations and promoting sustainable tourism. Enjoy your travels and take care of the planet at the same time!
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