triatlon en Guia de isora - prueba de natacion
triatlon en Guia de isora - prueba de natacion

Triathlon in Playa San Juan, Guía de Isora 2023

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

If you are looking for an exciting triathlon experience in Tenerife, the Triathlon in Playa San Juan, Guía de Isora, is the perfect destination. The race takes place annually in the municipality of Guía de Isora and is a challenging and rewarding feat. The race is in the Sprint category, including swimming, cycling, and running.

triatlon en Guia de Isora - ciclismo

Competition at the highest level

The Triathlon in Playa San Juan, Guía de Isora, is open to participants of different levels, with various categories for men, women, and age groups. The race will take place on September 3, 2023, providing not only a great opportunity for participants to challenge themselves physically but also to experience Tenerife’s unique culture and natural beauty.

Playa San Juan is a charming village with a wide variety of restaurants, bars, and shops, as well as a beautiful beach where participants and spectators can relax and soak up the sun.

Don’t wait any longer, participate!

If you’re considering participating in the Triathlon in Playa San Juan, there are many accommodation options available in the area. From hotels to apartments, there’s something for every budget and preference. Don’t miss it!

Definitely, the Triathlon in Playa San Juan, Guía de Isora, is a must for any enthusiast of these demanding competitions. With its beautiful location, challenging course, and welcoming community, it’s an experience you’ll never forget. So start training, pack your bags, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Tenerife. We’ll be waiting for you in Guía de Isora.

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