Guia de Isora
Guia de Isora

The celebrations of Carmen in Playa de San Juan

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

The “fiestas del Carmen” celebrations are a very important celebration in Spain and take place in different parts of the country. One of the most prominent celebrations is the one held in Playa de San Juan, Tenerife.

This religious celebration in Playa de San Juan is organized in honor of the Virgin of Carmen, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen. Color, joy, and devotion come together on this day to thank the patron saint; undoubtedly, it is a celebration worth witnessing.

Playa de San Juan honors the patron saint of sailors

Fiestas del carmen en playa san juan

This celebration takes place during the month of July in other nearby towns, but in Playa de San Juan, it occurs in the first days of August and lasts approximately one week. During this time, the town is filled with dances, traditional food, and devotion.

The main event of the festivities is the maritime procession, where the Virgin of Carmen is taken on a flower-decorated barge and carried along the coast by the sea. During this procession, fishing and recreational boats accompany the Virgin with their horns and bells, creating a very festive atmosphere.

In addition to the procession and religious rites, the Carmen festivities in Playa de San Juan feature a wide variety of activities.

Culture and fervor in the Carmen festivities

The maritime procession is part of the central events, and the dedication with which it is carried out makes it very colorful and festive. However, undoubtedly, one of the most outstanding aspects of the Carmen festivities in Playa de San Juan is the hospitality of the locals. Visitors are warmly welcomed and invited to participate in all activities; the food and drinks are excellent, with a wide variety of local dishes to try. This celebration is a great example of Canarian culture and hospitality.

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